Join us all December to vote for the charity of the year! All month long, patrons will receive a token to vote for one of the three competing charities. Don’t worry, everyone will get a little something at the end but the charity with the most votes receives the largest prize!
Bexar Branches Alliance
Bexar Branches Alliance acts as a bridge between organizations, fostering collaboration and ensuring that critical urban tree initiatives get done. Together, we’re planting a greener future for San Antonio, one tree at a time!
Instagram: @bexarbranches
Building a Purpose
Building A Purpose is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps people find their purpose in life. Our mission is to focus the interest of student and engineer them a promising future by connecting them with professionals of their choice. We believe that everyone is a student of life and we envision that our connections will open roads of purpose in students shaping the future.
Instagram: @buildingapurpose
Pathways Youth & Family Services
Established in 1992, Pathways Youth and Family Services’ mission of transforming lives, families, and communities has been successful, by providing foster care and adoption services to more than 11,000 children and permanently placing an additional 4,000 more with a forever family.
Instagram: @pathwaystexas